Uses of Gokshura
The herb has been in use treating various health ailments such as -
- Urinary Genital Support
- Energy and stamina
- Libido and sexual behavior enhancer
- Longer orgasms and climaxes
- Uro-genital problems and infections
- Helps in improving the libido
- Helps in making our nervous system work to the optimum levels
- It is very helpful in increasing the muscle mass of the body naturally
- Very beneficial in increasing the sperm count
- Increases the stamina in the body
- Improves the mental functioning
- Reduces the reaction time
- It is a powerful mood enhancer and helps in perking up of the mood.
tuk pompuan, Kak Su suggest amik herbs "Shatavari"...dia ckap herbs nih sgt bagus dan sgt terkenal kat India..n 8/10 wanita yg consume Shatavari nih dah berjaya preggy sbb dia boleh seimbangkn hormon estrogen & progesterone....hurmmm tertarik dgn fakta nih...Cahaya pun tergerak hati membeli Shatavari nih (itupun slpas sebulan fikir n browse info psal herbs nih)...
tp Cahaya tertarik dgn statement nih yg Cahaya extract dr link nih yg menyatakn bahawa "Shatavari , or shatawari, that comes from the Ayurvedic tradition of healing. Also known as "hundred husbands" for its beneficial effects in the women and reproductive function, shatavari is also very popular as a galactogogue in the India and China. Shatavari is basically considered to rejuvenate female function and is used for female fertility"
Uses of Shatavari
- Supports reproductive health by toning and nourishing the female reproductive organs
- Maintains healthy hormonal balance
- Treats PMS symptoms of relieving pain and controlling blood loss during menstruation
- Supports nomal production of breast milk for nursing mothers
- relieves menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. By producing estrogens it makes up for low estrogen levels in women who are menopausal or have had hysterectomies or oophorectomies
- Used in India as a best-known and most-often herbs for women
- Supports normal function of the immune and digestive system
- Increases libido

Ni ikhtiar buat Cahaya & hubby bulan nih n cycle2 seterusnyer..Smoga kami mendapat berita gembira dlm masa terdekat nih...Insyallah...AMEEN